Saturday, October 07, 2006

t-shirts, barbecue equipment, cops in riot gear

right click the icon and "save link as" to download the mp3, or click it to listen right away (7mb size)

1. Firefox t-shirt for joining Firefox Flicks months ago! (my 30 second Flicks ad)
(i'm not complaining, but just want to point out that it says size 'S' though it makes me look like i'm trying out for a nerdcore hiphop group if i wear this. in other words, it's too big and baggy for a size S. perhaps it's a factory printing error, or it's men-sized.)

2. The Motion Sick t-shirt (and other great stuff)-- super belated thank you since i haven't had time to update.

The Motion Sick t-shirt firefox flicks t-shirt

3. Moon Festival (15th day of 8th month of the lunar calendar, happened to be Oct. 6 this year)-- it's all about burning meat

bbq equipment at supermarket 1 bbq equipment at supermarket 4 bbq gear in the supermarket bbq gear in the supermarket

I happened to be in the area to buy bbq supplies for our class's own Moon Festival cook-out when .. (read no.4) groceries (shopping cart)lots of crap from Carre Four

4. red-shirted protesters reach Tainan County-- I was able to shoot some photos of cops rerouting traffic and barricading roads in full riot gear but none of the protesters themselves. (NYTimes article if you don't know what this is all about.)

been hearing accounts of red-shirted people (or red car-driving people) being assaulted by people against the protests, so i haven't been wearing my red Motion Sick shirt (see #2) in public.

police in hsin ying 6

click link to see more photos from this non-event

5. Thank you Daryl T., Ger R., Eliot J., Joe #2, Andy S., and Jim for writing. =)

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